By: Josh Whiting
A year ago if someone asked me if I knew my way around the CRM Software
Industry I would have confidently said yes, however, as it turns out the old
saying the more you learn the more knowledge you realize you lack, is true.
When talking about the CRM Software Industry it is almost impossible to
actually say that you know it inside out since there are so many CRM vendors
around the world, all developing their technologies at such a rapid pace. As if
it wasn't hard enough for a company to make a decision regarding; what they
require, how it can help their business and so on, these technological
advancements are always followed with a marketing campaign each speaking of how
much this new feature or functionality will help you.
So the question stands at, you think you know CRM Software? This is difficult
to answer with all the hype surrounding the industry combined with the relative
youth of Web-based CRM and the large number of vendors. It is also difficult to
produce a linear comparison since each vendor has their own set of terms and
names for features. So where do you begin? You can learn the basics of
Web-based CRM Software fairly easily with a quick search on Google, however I
would like to mention a few points that are more difficult to uncover; the hidden
costs associated with purchasing CRM Software, what to avoid, how your CRM can
go beyond simply contact management and where the industry is going.
When a company decides it's time to make the move to Web-based CRM Software
they should first develop a plan on how they expect this new implementation to
boost their companies productivity and revenue. The largest roadblock in
achieving a fast ROI is all the hidden costs that are not clearly listed on
vendor's web sites. In researching to develop a comparison of some of the major
players in the CRM world including Salesforce, NetSuite and, the
majority of my time was spent researching pricing for different platforms,
upgrades, implementation, customization and customer support. Salesroom was actually
the only one at the time to have a page with their pricing listed clearly.
To just go out and purchase a CRM Edition and think you are done is nowhere
near the truth, this is just a base point from which pricing begins. This leads
me into what to avoid when seeking your future CRM Software. What you need to
look into and ask questions about is; storage limits and the cost of additional
storage, maximum number of custom tabs & fields, maximum number of
applications you can add, this being particularly relevant for Salesforce, and
any other limitation which could later force you to upgrade.
If you have implemented a CRM Software Solution and reached any of these
mentioned limitations I'm sure you can vouch for my statement that it comes at
a great cost. What is often the case is that the edition a company is currently
working with is doing a great job but for example they have reached their
storage limits. An edition upgrade for a company with roughly 750 users can
amount to around 2 million dollars above what they were already paying. With
this upgrade of course comes more features and functionality however they are
features and functionality which will not increase your ROI simply because your
company doesn't need them.
Now that the buyers beware and the negatives are out of the way we can focus on
the positives. When you implement your new Web-based CRM you have just knocked
down all the walls separating your departments or office's, no matter their
location and you did it in real-time. Once up and running your CRM goes far
beyond contact management software with vendor's now integrating front and back
office functionality. NetSuite has a strong back office, which makes sense
knowing their background in back office ERP solutions; however, I find their SFA
or front office not to be up to the standards of some others. Salesforce and both offer a well-rounded CRM solution for companies of all
sizes, between these two it really comes down to price.
With more than just contact management capabilities CRM Software is a great
tool for your; marketing department with in depth campaign and lead management
tools, your customer service department since a complete history of all clients
and cases are a mouse click away, your back office including inventory, billing
& invoicing by taking advantage of real time workflow processes and of
course your sales force with features like escalation rules or in more recent
times offline and mobile editions.
Today CRM Software vendors are coming out with Offline and Mobile Editions
giving new ways to never lose contact with the office. This brings us to the
future of Web-based CRM Software, where is it going? Well over the past year we
have seen great advancements with the use of AJAX, or as it's known to the tech
world, Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. This code underneath your CRM Software
eliminates the need for you to refresh your web browser whenever you make a
change. This can be seen in some social networking sites, a popular one being
facebook. Here AJAX is used to allow for drag and drop customizations to
appearance and the arrangement of applications. The idea is the same with CRM
Software, a simple down mouse click and drag will allow you to customize the
appearance of your dashboard without an IT department, so you can focus on the
information most relevant to you.
The other benefit that AJAX will bring us in the future when combined with
faster internet speed is the elimination of load time, maybe not completely but
at least the majority of it. This sort of functionality is now only seen with
On-premise software since all information is stored within your computer or
server you don't need to wait for the internet to download any data. AJAX comes
into play here since you don't require a browser refresh you can continue
working while only that portion of the web page is reloaded. I predict that the
gap between Web-based and On-premise CRM Software will be much smaller by the
end of 2008 and we will see the same trend with businesses leaving their
On-premise for Web-based CRM, like was seen in 2007.